


As in previous years, Mass times will be reduced during the holiday season.  As from the weekend of Saturday 4th/Sunday 5th August:

Mass times in ST JOSEPH’S will be:
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:30pm
Sunday Masses at 7:45am and 11am only

Mass times in HOLY NAME, Denham (near UB9 5AR) will be: 
Sunday Mass at 9:30am

Pope Francis


The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community.

Pope Francis - subtitle


St Joseph's is providing a live online streaming service.  Online streaming enables those not able to attend the church to watch and listen to what is happening. The area within the church that is streamed is shown above.

If you are within this area then it will be possible to see you over the internet.

Our services are lived streamed only at present and will not be available for download.

What’s On

Keep up to date with parish activities and events – here you can find out the latest information about what's happening in and around our parish.

Spiritual Development

Forthcoming Spiritual Development activities in our parish:

Sun 02 Sep - Commissioning of Adoremus Delegates

Mon 17 Sep - Alpha Course

Wed 03 Oct - Let It Be Course


This course is an inspiring DVD exploration of Mary, past and present. Produced by CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration), this five week course will be running at St Joseph’s parish in October on both Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings (starting 3 and 4 October). It shows how Mary helps us to be filled with God.



All are invited from all the different denominations. It will be held in the Breadhouse in Chalfont St Peter with an introductory dinner and talk on Monday, 17 September to see if you would like to take the course. If you do, we will meet every Monday evening up until Tuesday, 3 December to explore the basics of the Christian faith.

Each session includes a main talk, a chance to say what you think and dessert and drinks. It’s fun, relaxed and free. Come and ask anything you like, which is why over 22 million people have tried Alpha around the world.