The Parish (Pastoral) Council is a consultative body drawn from parishioners to advise the Parish Priest.
It meets three times a year (or more often if required) to discuss parish issues and provide guidance on parish affairs. Its purpose is to come together in prayer to ensure that the activities and aims of parish groups are within the parish vision and mission, and that they contribute to the further development and needs of the parish.
The Parish Council Constitution sets out how this committee operates.
John Bates - Chairman, Health & Safety and Safeguarding
Fr Michael Spain - Parish Priest & Vice-Chairman
Fr Bob Davies - Carmelite Community
Kevin Murphy - Finance Committee
Sally Taylor - Evangelisation Activity Group
Ros Burton - Liturgy & Church Activity Group
Stephen Forster - Outreach Activitiy Group
Kasia Misiewicz - Pastoral Activity Group
Nan Jacobson - Social Activity Group
Kathy Slattery - Youth Activity Group
Doreen Pooley - Mass Representatives
Joan Barham - Secretary
Any matters requiring Council consideration should first be raised with the appropriate group, or if one does not exist, an officer of the Council. Please direct any queries to the Chairman or Secretary via the Parish Office.
The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 20th November 2018.
Minutes of the last meeting held on 17th July can be found here.
The 2018 Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, 7th October at 3pm in the Parish Centre.
For the 2017 Annual Report, click image.
Parish ministries, groups and organisations are known as Working Groups. Those with similar volunteer interest/work within the Parish are organised into Activity Groups.
Each group determines how frequently it meets and how it communicates. Every Activity Group elects someone to represent them on the Parish Council.
The Evangelisation Activity Group includes the following Working Groups: Alpha, Café, Charismatic Prayer Group, Christians Together, Faith Sharing Groups, Men's Breakfast Group, Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites.
The Liturgy & Church Activity Group includes the following Working Groups/Ministries: Banners, Bookshop, Church/Brass Cleaning, Eucharistic Ministers, Flower Arrangers, Mass Readers, Music Ministry, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, Repository, Rosary Circle, Sacristans.
The Outreach Activity Group includes the following Working Groups: Catholic Women’s League, Tea & a Chat, Justice & Peace, Life/Pro Life Group, London Run, Slough Homeless Our Concern (SHOC), Third World/Cameroon, Traidcraft.
The Pastoral Activity Group includes the following Working Groups: Ministry for the Disabled and St Vincent de Paul (SVP).
The Social Activity Group includes the following Working Groups: Coffee Rota 9am & 11am masses, Events Team, Tea in the Pot.
The Youth Activity Group includes the following Working Groups: Altar Servers, Children's Liturgy, First Holy Communion, Confirmation Class, Youth Group.